RECENS are pleased to welcome and introduce our new senior researchers recently joined our team.

RECENS are pleased to welcome and introduce our new senior researchers  recently joined our team.

Tamás Keller joined the RECENS group in the autumn of 2014. He received his PhD in Sociology at the Corvinus University of Budapest in 2010 and recently returned from an Alexander von Humboldt post-doctoral researcher position at the Free University of Berlin. Since 2006 he has served as a researcher at TÁRKI Social Research Institute. His major research interests include education, social stratification and the role of attitudes and values. He currently leads a research project on ‘The Educational Outcome of Pupil’s Self-confidence’ supported by a grant from the OTKA (Hungarian Scientific Research Fund), grant number: PD 105976. At RECENS he is working on a project in collaboration with Károly Takács about the educational outcomes of within classroom peer-networks, especially how desk-mates influence academic achievement.


Jeromos Vukov graduated as a physicist at the Eötvös Loránd University. During his PhD, he worked in the group of György Szabó on the analysis of the emergence and maintenance of cooperation in the framework of evolutionary game theoretical graph models. He continued this research as a PostDoc in the group of Jorge Pacheco at the University of Lisbon. After his stay in Portugal, he returned to Hungary and worked with György Szabó as a Templeton Foundation grantee. He carries on research on social dilemma models in the RECENS group since October 2014.

Area of interest: evolutionary game theory, social dilemmas, network theory, complex systems.