Are you interested in visiting an ERC grantee and collaborating with our research team?
We are happy to host visiting scholars who are working on the topics that match our interests in the research funded by an ERC Grant. We use various methods that include agent-based models, advanced models of network dynamics, and text analytics to study the relationship between gossip, reputation, and cooperation. Please consult our homepage for further information on the project.
Various fellowships are available for this purpose in several countries, including
Czech Republic: https://gacr.cz/en/erc-fellowship
Slovenia: https://www.arrs.gov.si/en/obvestila/16/ERC-fellowship.asp
Poland: http://ncn.gov.pl/uwertura?language=en
Estonia: http://www.etag.ee/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/ERC_scheme_Estonia-2016-08-08.pdf
The European Research Council (ERC) has been continuously monitoring international participation through its Strengthening International Participation working group. As a result, "Implementing Arrangements" have been signed with key funding bodies and science ministries around the world. These arrangements provide opportunities in Europe for early-career scientists supported by non-European funding agencies to temporarily join a research team run by an ERC grantee. The purpose of the arrangements is to encourage, develop and facilitate such opportunities.
Currently the following arrangements are in place:
- United States, signed 13 Jul 2012, with the National Science Foundation (NSF)
Read more: agreement, press release - Korea, signed 8 Nov 2013, with the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning
Read more: agreement, press highlight - Argentina, signed 13 Mar 2015, with the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation
Read more: agreement ES|EN, press highlight
For the interested CONICET-funded scientists, see more here - Japan, signed 29 May 2015 with the Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
Read more: agreement EN, press release
For the interested JSPS-fellows, see more here - China, signed 29 Jun 2015, with the National Natural Science Foundation (NSFC)
Read more: agreement ZH|EN, press highlight
For the interested NSFC-funded scientists, see more here - South Africa, signed 26 Oct 2015, with the National Research Foundation (NRF)
Read more: agreement EN - Mexico, signed 12 Nov 2015, with the Mexican National Council of Science and Technology (Conacyt)
Read more: agreement ES|EN, press highlight - Brazil, signed 13 Oct 2016, with the Brazilian National Council of the State funding agencies (CONFAP)
Read more: agreement EN, press highlight
For further information please contact your National Contact Point or do not hesitate to ask us for assistance. Contact: István Freigang, freigang.istvan@tk.mta.hu