Tanja Sliskovic, researcher from the University of Zagreb, joined us for three months as a visitor scholar. On November 7th, she will be presenting in our regular seminar series about "Sharing Values Matters - The Role of Value Homophily in Asking for Advice Among Employees"
Short bio 

Tanja Slišković is a visiting scholar at RECENS in the Fall semester of academic year 2017/2018. Tanja is an Assistant Professor at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business, Organization and Management Department. She earned her PhD in Economics with a focus on Management from the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Zagreb, in Croatia. Tanja spent a year of her graduate studies as a Fulbright scholar at Columbia Business School in 2012, and was a visiting scholar at Columbia Business School in 2014 and 2015. Her research interests focus on qualitative and quantitative analysis of professional social networks and questions of gender and professional advancement. Another stream of her research focuses on organizational and informal network dynamics; advice, value-sharing and friendship networks in private and in state-owned companies. She teaches Business Ethics, Corporate Governance and Strategy to undergraduate and Masters students.
Research interests:
Professional social networks and gender, managerial egocentric social networks, organizational social networks, task advice, trust and shared values networks, career advancement, networking styles in private vs state-owned companies.