An article by Dorottya Kisfalusi, Judit Pál and Zsófia Boda is published online by Social Networks

An article by Dorottya Kisfalusi, Judit Pál and Zsófia Boda is published online by Social Networks

The article titled "Bullying and victimization among majority and minority students: The role of peers’ ethnic perceptions" is available online at:


In this study, we investigate the associations between self-reported and victim-reported bullying and two dimensions of ethnicity (self-identification and ethnic perceptions) among non-Roma majority and Roma minority Hungarian secondary school students. Results of the meta-analysis of exponential random graph models for 12 classes (347 students, 4 schools) show that both self-declared Roma and non-Roma students are more likely to report that they bully peers they perceive as Roma compared to peers they perceive as non-Roma. This is after controlling for gender, socio-economic status, and structural characteristics of the bullying networks. Similar associations have not been found, however, analysing victims’ reports.