Research Interests
Mathematical Statistics
Political participation
Network analysis
Computational Social Science
Text Mining
Mathematical Statistics
Political participation
Network analysis
Computational Social Science
Text Mining
Breuer, J., Kmetty, Z., Haim, M., & Stier, S. (2022). User-centric approaches for collecting Facebook data in the ‘post-API age’: Experiences from two studies and recommendations for future research. Information, Communication & Society, 1-20.
Kmetty, Z., & Bozsonyi, K. (2022). Identifying depression-related behavior on Facebook—an experimental study. Social Sciences, 11(3), 135.
Kmetty, Z., & Stefkovics, Á. (2022). Assessing the effect of questionnaire design on unit and item-nonresponse: Evidence from an online experiment. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 25(5), 659-672.
Szabó, G., Kmetty, Z., & K. Molnár, E. (2021). Politics and Incivility in the Online Comments: What is Beyond the Norm-Violation Approach?. International Journal Of Communication, 15, 26.
Koltai J.,Kmetty Z., Bozsonyi K. (2021)From Durkheim to Machine Learning: Finding the Relevant Sociological Content in Depression and Suicide-Related Social Media Discourses. In: Rudas T., Péli G. (eds) Pathways Between Social Science and Computational Social Science. Computational Social Sciences. Springer
Kostadinova, T., & Kmetty, Z. (2019). Corruption and political participation in Hungary: Testing models of civic engagement. East European Politics and Societies, 33(3), 555-578.
Kmetty, Z., Tardos, R., Albert, F., & Dávid, B. (2018). Mapping social milieus and cohesion patterns between 1997 and 2014. Exploiting the potential of the occupational position generator. Social Networks, 55, 116-129.
Albert, F., Dávid, B., Kmetty, Z., Kristóf, L., Róbert, P., & Szabó, A. (2018). Mapping the Post-communist Class Structure: Findings from a New Multidimensional Hungarian Class Survey. East European Politics and Societies, 32(3), 544-565.
Kmetty, Z., Koltai, J., & Tardos, R. (2017). Core ties homophily and sociocultural divides in Hungary from 1987 to 2015. International Journal of Sociology, 47(3), 228-249.
For the full publication list, see:
2012-2013 The complex analysis of Red Sludge Catastrophic
Hungarian Academy of Science
2012-2014 Disadvantaged people access to the social system
TÁMOP 5.4.1-12
2012-2015 Role of cleavages, values and identity in the development of Hungarian party system, 2000-2014
National Research and Innovation Office. K105445
2013-2018 Crisis and Social Innovation
MTA Research Group
Senior Researcher
H2020. Grant agreement ID: 657672
Project Coordinator
2016-2018 ISSP – Networks and resources
National Research and Innovation Office. K119565
2016-2018 Explaining welfare attitudes: general moral principles, issue framing and survey design
National Research and Innovation Office. K120070
2018-2020 STEPIN - Using Living Labs to roll out Sustainable Strategies for Energy Poor Individuals
H2020 Grant agreement ID: 785125
Lead researcher, WP leader
2018-2020 Text analytics and social media research
National Research and Innovation Office. FK128981
Principal Investigator
2019-2024 Social history analysis of the press between 1945 and 1989 with the methods of natural language processing (NLP)
National Research and Innovation Office. FK131826
Senior Researcher
2021-2023 Digital Data through Data Donation
ELKH Flagship project
Principal Investigator
2021-2023 Online representation of COVID-19 and vaccines using NLP tools
Artificial Intelligence National Laboratory [MILAB]
Principal Investigator
2024-2026 Digital Political Footprints
National Research and Innovation Office. K147329
Principal Investigator