
RECENS PhD Call, 2016.

RECENS PhD Call, 2016.

Call for application

PhD work at the MTA TK “Lendület” Research Center for Educational and Network Studies (RECENS)

Deadline: 30 May 2016

Success of RECENS member, Judit Pál

Success of RECENS member, Judit Pál

The PhD thesis of Judit Pál with the title “Status and Negative Ties: A Longitudinal Network Study among Adolescents” has been defended with summa cum laude result on 14 April at the Corvinus University of Budapest.



The dissertation is available online HERE!

Article of our member in Intersections

Article of our member in Intersections

Article of our member, Attila Gulyás ("Subjective Well-being and work - a Brief Review on International Surveys and Results") has been recently published in the first issue of the 2nd volume of Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics

To read the first issue of of the 2nd volume of Intersections.EEJSP please click here!

Paper of László Lőrincz in JEMS

Paper of László Lőrincz in JEMS

Interethnic dating preferences of Roma and non-Roma secondary school students by László Lőrincz has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.  


CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Research fellow position

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Research fellow position

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS for research fellowship at the
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Social Sciences in the MTA TK ”Lendület” Research Center for Educational and Network Studies (RECENS)

Closing date: 16 March, 2016

Paper of Szabolcs Számadó in PLOS One

Paper of Szabolcs Számadó in PLOS One

The paper of our new colleague, Szabolcs Számadó has been accepted for publication by PLOS One. The article "Deception undermines the stability of cooperation in games of indirect reciprocity" is co-authored with Ferenc Szalai and István Scheuring. Available online HERE

Vivid interest for our assistant research fellowship calls

Vivid interest for our assistant research fellowship calls

Thanks a lot for everyone who distributed or shared information about our calls! Till the deadline of 10 November, 2015, we have received 13 applications for our two assistant research fellowship calls. Selected applicants will be interviewed on 13 November.  For further possibilities, please visit our website regularly and follow us on facebook.