
ALLEA Open Letter in support of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

ALLEA Open Letter in support of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

In response to two proposed laws introduced for voting by the Hungarian Parliament and which threaten the scientific autonomy and financial independence of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the ALLEA President Antonio Loprieno has sent an open letter to the responsible Hungarian Minister of Innovation and Technology, Mr László Palkovics.

The paper of Szabolcs Számadó has been published by PLOS One

The paper of Szabolcs Számadó has been published by PLOS One

The paper of Szabolcs Számadó as a co-author with József Garay, Villő Csiszár, Tamás F. Móri, András Szilágyi and Zoltán Varga "Juvenile honest food soliciation and parental investment as a life history strategy" has been published by PLOS One  (Impact Factor: 2.806)