
The paper of Szabolcs Számadó has been published by PLOS One

The paper of Szabolcs Számadó has been published by PLOS One

The paper of Szabolcs Számadó as a co-author with József Garay, Villő Csiszár, Tamás F. Móri, András Szilágyi and Zoltán Varga "Juvenile honest food soliciation and parental investment as a life history strategy" has been published by PLOS One  (Impact Factor: 2.806)

The paper of Dorottya Kisfalusi has been published by Intersections

The paper of Dorottya Kisfalusi has been published by Intersections

Bullies and Victims in Primary Schools -

The Associations between Bullying, Victimization, and Students’ Ethnicity and Academic Achievement

This study examines the associations between four types of peer-reported bullying and peer-reported victimization (mocking, physical bullying, negative gossip, cyberbullying), and students’ ethnicity and academic achievement among sixth-grade Hungarian primary school students.

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