Special issue of Philosophical Transactions edited by our researchers has been published: The language of cooperation: reputation and honest signalling
The language of cooperation: reputation and honest signalling
The language of cooperation: reputation and honest signalling
The article "Grading in Hungarian Primary Schools: Mechanisms of Ethnic Discrimination against Roma Students" by Dorottya Kisfalusi, Béla Janky and Károly Takács has been published in European Sociological Review
Available here: https://doi.org/10.1093/esr/jcab023
Article of Tamás Keller has been published by PLoS ONE
The article "Reputational Status Dynamics from a Mixed Methods Perspective: Coolness and Popularity in a Hungarian Primary School Sample" by Ákos Bocskor has been published in Youth & Society.
Available here: https://doi.org/10.1177/0044118X211012815
The article "The impact of COVID-19 on the gender division of childcare work in Hungary" by Éva Fodor, Anikó Gregor, Júlia Koltai and Eszter Kováts has been published in European Societies.
Available here: https://doi.org/10.1080/14616696.2020.1817522
The paper "Exploring the dynamic changes of key concepts of the Hungarian socialist era with natural language processing methods" has been published in Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History (Q1, 2019 Impact Factor: 0.813)
The Authors of this collaboration by CSS-RECENS and RGAI (Research Group on Artificial Intelligence) of University of Szeged: Martina Katalin Szabó, Orsolya Ring, Balázs Nagy, László Kiss, Júlia Koltai, Gábor Berend, László Vidács, Attila Gulyás & Zoltán Kmetty
Available here: https://doi.org/10.1080/01615440.2020.1823289
The paper "Scarce and directly beneficial reputations support cooperation" by Flóra Samu, Szabolcs Számadó and Károly Takács has been published in Nature Scientific Reports.
Available here: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-68123-x
The paper by Bulcsú Bognár and Zoltán Kmetty has been published in Social Compass, title: Believing without moralising: Secularised religiousness in Hungary
Available here: https://doi.org/10.1177/0037768620949064
The paper entitled "The coevolution of the firm and the product attribute space" by César García-Díaz, Gábor Péli and Arjen van Witteloostuijn has been published in PLOSE ONE.
Available here: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0234007
A special edition of Intersections has been published with articles of our members.
Editorial by Dorottya Kisfalusi, Eszter Neumann and Károly Takács entitled "Ethnic Integration and Interethnic Relations in Schools" is available here: https://intersections.tk.mta.hu/index.php/intersections/article/view/683
The article "Status Dynamics" by Ákos Bocskor and Anikó Havelda is available here: https://intersections.tk.mta.hu/index.php/intersections/article/view/581