RECENS & CEU-CNS előadás-sorozata: Vörös András (Oxford University/RECENS)-2014. 03.18. (kedd)

Mindenkit szeretettel várunk az MTA TK "Lendület" RECENS és a CEU-Center for Network Science közös hálózati előadás-sorozatának következő alkalmára 2014. március 18-án (kedden), melyen Vörös András (Oxford University, Nuffield College/RECENS) tart előadást "Cluster Analysis of Multiplex Networks: Dening Composite Network Measures" címmel.



Az előadás megrendezésére az MTA TK PTI tárgyalójában kerül sor (1014 Budapest, Országház utca 30.) kerül sor 15 órai kezdettel.


Az előadás kivonata:

Multiplex network data, information on multiple relations in a given group, provides researchers an opportunity to study social processes in depth, and to answer questions about the interdependence of dierent relational dimensions. Although some multivariate network methods (e.g. ERGM, SIENA) make it possible to jointly analyze multiple network dimensions, modelling becomes impossibly complex when the investigation focuses on more than a few, say more than three or four, network dimensions. In these cases, dimension reduction methods may be applied to obtain a manageable set of variables. Drawing on existing statistical methods and measures, we propose a procedure to reduce the dimensions of multiplex network data measured in multiple groups. We achieve this by clustering the networks using their pairwise similarities and constructing composite network measures as combinations of the networks in each resulting cluster. The procedure is demonstrated on an example on the dimensions of perceptions about peers in Hungarian high-school class- rooms: starting from 22 perception networks we arrive at a 3-group solution which we label as positive traits, negative traits, and social role attributions. Though our procedure does not rely on an explicit statistical model, it presents a useful and mension reduction in multiplex networks. Following such an approach may aid researchers in dening complex network measures and may also provide some theoretical insights into multiplex social mechanisms.


Ízelítő márciusi és áprilisi előadásainkból:

·  2014. március 25. (kedd, helyszín: MTA PTI, 15 óra): Christoph Stadtfeld (University of Groningen/University of Lugano): Micromotives and Macrobehavior in Social Networks

·  2014. április 1. (kedd, helyszín: CEU-CNS, 15 óra): Boleslaw Szymanski (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY)



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